InstallShield Professional V7.01 英文正式版

  • 貨  號:cop04516
  • 種  類:
  • 影片年份:2019
  • 演  員: act |
  • 瀏覽次數:2299
  • 銷售價: NT$150

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InstallShield Professional V7.01 英文正式版
                 InstallShield Professional V7.01 英文正式版 
                         For Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP 
                程式安裝包裝製作軟體。最新版 HoneRdBT 全台首發 
        2003.04.15     全新〞光榮 〞上市           XYZ STUDIO 
                  InstallShield Professional V7.01 英文正式版 
  ■ 參考網址: 
    以光碟底下 Keygen 製出所需序號 
    IPWIE支援目前最流行的MSI格式,這可是MicroSoft Install所製定的最標準格式 
    ,連安裝 COM+ 的軟體都可以用一個 MSI 檔案就可以搞定。 
    市面上有很多的安裝軟體,比較有名的像是 Wise System、InstallShield 
    Professional、InstallShield Express、 Setup Factory、Install Us Pro、… 
    之下, InstallShield Professional 就顯得強悍許多! 
    InstallShield Professional should be used by all customers looking for 
    a time-tested solution for custom Windows installations with no 
    dependency on the Microsofts Windows Installer Service (MSI). 
    Professional features the powerful, yet simple, InstallScript 
    language. Over 275 predefined setup-related functions are available, 
    which enable customization of any part of the installation, including 
    user dialog sequence, file transfer, error handling, reboot, and even 
    uninstallation. Professional has been used by all 100 of the top 100 
    software vendors. 
             XYZ STUDIO 強力推薦!!!一定讓你值回票價,保證錯不了。 
                                                           XYZ STUDIO 目錄編輯 
    版軟體,以支援作者或出版公司能再出版最好的軟體!!! 為了您將來的後續服務, 